Just walking

One morning, I felt like walking. Walking is therapeutic to me. It clears my mind. It relaxes me. It makes me feel as though I am one with the universe. It makes me feel as if I am able to receive the messages from the higher beings better.

I have been walking around for the past 30 minutes.  I haven’t received any messages yet though. But no worries, I am in no hurry. Haha

A few minutes later, I spotted this bench in front of a skincare and cosmetic shop (maybe, this is the message – that I should take care of my skin more?). I decided to take a break and ponder about life. Haha


In case you’re wondering, no, there isn’t any lesson to be learned here. Or some life-changing message to take away. I just wanted to share my morning with everyone and wish that you all have as peaceful a time as I had on my long walk this morning. Good day.

Summer vacation


Summer is already here. I have been too busy with work the past few months and I haven’t really taken any long breaks so far. The holy week is the first long break after Christmas and I have taken advantage of it.  The pictures above were taken with my samsung galaxy note 2 during the Christmas vacation last year. We went home to Cagayan for Christmas and visited my dad’s hometown. It was a respite from all the pollution in Manila. Flowers, trees and fresh air! Ah, the provincial life.

I experience this simple, refreshing just once in a while, only when there are long holidays at work. There used to be so much more of these with the past president but PNoy is intent on implementing his ‘tuwid na daan” program and refuses to move around the holidays to create long weekends, which we, the middle working class, can use to go home to our respective provinces.

Anyway, so I went home this Holy week to Nueva Ecija, my mom’s hometown.  It was, as is always the case, a gastronomic fest.  My parents have their own little farm. Not fancy.  Not the haciendero type of thing but they have more than enough livestock, fruits and vegetables for their daily consumption.  Everything is fresh. The vegetables, the eggs, the chicken, the fruits!

For Good Friday, since meat is not allowed, we had to catch fish from the fish pond. But aside from the fish, there were tiny freshwater shrimps too!  Look at that catch!



So we had grilled fish and shrimp for lunch and sinigang for dinner! Yumyumyum! This gastronomic feast goes on for two more days! I have already gained a pound or two and will perhaps gain some more. Haha.. I better go back to the gym to dance all these calories off when I get back to Manila!



Summer is almost over. The rains are coming. And so far, this is the nearest I’ve been to the ocean this summer. Well, this and that trip I’ve had with my siblings a few weeks ago. But I also never got to feel saltwater on my skin then. So yeah, my summer has been generally blah. We usually have at least one trip to the beach each year and I guess this summer has been uber busy, at least for me. Oh well, there’s still 7 months more left this year. Summer or not, I promise to go to the beach this year!

manila bay

manila bay

waterproof cameras


I love the outdoors. I love going to the beach, rock and mountain climbing, snorkeling, playing tennis or badminton, surfing, dancing and going on road trips. I also love documenting all these adventures (read: I am a camera whore)! Hahaha

The first camera I owned was a casio exilim digital camera. I forget the model but it was one of the better ones then that I could afford. The next camera I bought was a waterproof camera – a pentax optio wpi with just a 6mp resolution! I think this was in 2007 or so.


In 2009, I bought another camera to replace the already moody casio exilim.
